October 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial business meeting 7 October 2020

Lucien opened the meeting at 7:32pm

Our seneschal, Juliane, read the bullying statement into the meeting

Herald THL Lucien
Get report

Armored – Lady Mairghread
Marshal activities are still on hold, pending reevaluation in January
Set up/logged into official email
Passed along her updated membership for other marshals – her membership now expires 31 Oct 2021

Rapier – Captain Brendan
Yesterday, I submitted my quarterly report to the Kingdom Rapier Marshallate. One function of Group Rapier Marshals is the maintenance of a roster of authorized and not-yet authorized rapier and cut-and-thrust fighters in our Barony. I don’t have direct access to the Kingdom authorization database, so that report is generated by who I’ve actually seen at practices and the information people share with me. The official instruction is that when someone has not been at practice for 6 months, we drop them from the roster. Since we have not had an in-person practice in over 6 months… Seriously, much of the information I have is out of date, so if you feel like you should be on our Baronial rapier/C&T roster, please go ahead and send me the info on your authorization card(s). If you are not yet authorized but may be interested in rapier or cut-and-thrust combat after the Glorious Day When We All Get Back Together (GDWWAGBT), drop me a line. By the way, this includes potential youth rapier combatants, theoretically as young as six years old. Also, my very rough draft of guidelines for holding practices in the first phases of our return have been sent to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal (aka Deputy Earl Marshal, Rapier) for some review and (I hope) integration with suggestions from other sources in preparation for GDWWAGBT. In case you wondered what a Group Rapier Marshal obsesses over during quarantine, you are invited to view my very rough draft here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RN5G1eBodJEUxzbTKn0EgL18e95veZH9iIc9f6smqmY/edit?usp=sharing
Feel free to send me your commentary. Possibly the best on-line resource for SCA Rapier is the Facebook group “Virtual Academy of the Rapier.” Round-table discussions and classes (including some actual lessons) abound via Zoom, Google Meeting, and Facebook Live. Event notices and recordings of those events already passed are posted there.
email: rapier@southdowns.dev.meridies.org or rm.southdowns@meridies.org facebook: Benjamin Hay
Peace, love, and chocolate.

Live Weapons – Mistress Mara
No report

Reeve – Mistress Alessandra
No report
We probably have money 🙂

Quartermaster – THL Lucien
Haven’t seen any of our stuff for 6 months, but he’s assuming we still have our stuff

Chatelaine – Lord Nikon
No report – we probably have people
Bú – we had some new people come in and get garb from Gold Key, even though we still can’t meet in person
Raven – mentioned that Brendan picked up a bunch of garb being donated to Gold Key, is working on getting it to Nikon. Master Ximon offered to help get it to Nikon, as he works near him.

Arts and Sciences – THL Alisandre
We have arts and sciences! Q4 has just begun, so it’s time to put together the 3Q report for Kingdom. Please add your projects to the online form by Midnight on 11 October. Alisandre reminded everyone that you can add any project you’ve been working on – not just the big projects – everything counts
Baronial largesse challenge – 6 items, for more info, go to the events page in the baronial FB group
Baron/Baroness challenge with prizes!
If you are interested in sponsoring a category for the largesse challenge, please let Alisandre know asap so she can advertise it.
Since no one is going anywhere for the holidays, do we want to have a class in Nov and Dec?
Virtual holiday party? Will post on FB group to get feedback
Pondering doing a secular secret Santa event – the idea was well received by the populace. Alisandre will put a poll up on the baronial FB group to get feedback and ideas.

Chronicler – Signora Aelia Bassina
The quarterly newsletter was sent out on October 1st.
The fundraiser for the barony is going well. Once the money is transferred (they only do it once a month), I will get with Mistress Alessandra to get some money going into the Barony’s accounts.

Social Media
We have social media
Not much going on, a few more people following us on our social media accounts
Scribal guild is doing scribetober, check it out!

We have a couple of things going on
Next Wednesday the corporate DEI is hosting a roundtable with kingdom officers discussing what each kingdom is up to. Margavati will post a link
Classes every Wednesday – the following week she’ll be hosting a class on extra-European research (Ouyang, Stella, and a few others)

Changed Michael Stagge’s page to Ælfric Hort’s page and added his award.
Updated Brendan’s page with pronouns, classes, and interests.
Changed marshal, rapier, baron emails to forward to kingdom officer email address.
On the evening of 9/29, the web site started being reported by browsers as a potentially malicious web site. Having several officers report the web site as being good seemed to remedy the problem by the morning of 9/30.
Deleted an intruder account reported by Kingdom Webminister as having appeared on multiple WordPress sites.  Cleaned up unused plugins, updated the 5 remaining plugins.
Added Nikoslav as deputy seneschal, Wistric as baron

Minister of Children
No report

Their Excellencies
Y’all are awesome and continue to be awesome
The pandemic has been awful, but you have been fab
HerE held a brunch at the pageantry event, it went so well she’s doing it again on the 25th
HisE – the populace award committee has been working on updating the Heart of SD and Chivalry awards, figuring out a single award, what will we call it, what the description will be, how will we select the recipients, etc. Welcomes feedback

Still looking for a provost – liaison schedule classes, etc., reports to A+S minister and organize classes, fill out sheet for RUM so everyone can get credit
Castle wars – Juliane has been really busy so she hasn’t been able to work on it as much as she’s wanted to. She wants it to be innovative and different, its own event not just an online version of a regular event.
Getting a team together: Juliane is heading up competitions, Alisandre is doing A+S, Kal is handling classes, ??? is doing social media, Andreva is doing auctions, (get list from Juliane). Demos! More active than just Zoom classes and Zoom presentations.
Duct tape armor contest?
Competitions that will require some lead time… She will post tomorrow a call for volunteers
Date: same dates as Castle Wars
Auction will be held as a fundraiser during the event – contact THL Andreva for more info

SCA Business

Non-SCA Business
Margavati mentioned she got a great spiced soap at Target, Acorn Spice by Mrs Myers

After Nik’s and Pietro’s kitties joined the meeting, Their Excellencies decreed that everyone should show their kitties

Izzy (Juliane and Lucien’s pup) says the meeting is now over. 8:10pm