Dramatis Personae

The People of South Downs!

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Title SCA Name Notes
Mistress Adela Scrijver van Brugge Calligraphy, Illumination
Lord Ælfric Hort Welsh/Saxon/English, Indigenous North American, Archery, Crafting, Food and Drink, Hobbies and Pastimes, Heraldry and Scribal, History and Culture, Performing Arts, Bardic, Leather Crafting, Archery, Forestry
Baronessa Aelia Bassina of Veii Scribal, Leatherworking, Brewing, Cooking
Lady Agnes Halydaye Social Media Officer
Sir Aidan Mackay  
Mistress Alessandra Giovanna Fioravanti Reeve, Late Italian costuming, Weaving
  Alessandro di Lorenzo  
The Honorable Lady Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle Arts & Sciences Minister, 16th c Ottoman, Costuming, Cordialing, Cooking
The Honorable Lady Andreva Rigaldi Music, embroidery
Baroness Anna Felice Tavestoche Heraldry, Fencing
Lady Anneliese Wulf  
Baroness Arnora Karlsdottir

Cross-Stitch, Norse, Deputy Chatelaine

The Honorable Lady Bianca the Inquisitive  
The Honorable Lord Björn Gullhárr Heraldry, Photography
The Honorable Lord Bram Halfdannarson Heavy fighting, rapier fighting
Captain Brendan de Hay Rapier Marshal, Rapier fighting, Mead brewing
Lady Bú Feiyan  Herald
 Deputy Chatelaine (Demos)
Lord Camulocaros Bodogenicnos Heavy fighting, Brewing
Master Cathal mac Edan na faeled  
Lady Cellach ingen Oengusa  
Mistress Christianna MacGrain  
Lady Dametta of Arundel  
  Danielle De Lyon
Master David Twynham Rapier fencing, Historic combat arts
Master Davio de la Rouge Baronial Rapier Champion, Rapier fencing
Baroness Emelina le Norreys Kingdom Arts Champion, 12th-16th c England, calligraphy, illumination, wood burning, wood carving, jewelry making
Lord Eirikr Palsson Knight Marshal,  Webminister, Heavy fighting, Leatherworking
  Eyba Larsdottir Rapier fencing
Lord Faruq abdur Rashid Leatherworking
Lord Finn O’Flaherty  
  Finnbarr MacBranain Deputy Chatelaine
Mistress Gabriella Francesca Qlejja de Warre  
Lord Guido of Axbridge  
Countess Gwenhyfar Mwynn Byzantine, Coptic Egypt, Persian, 
Archery and thrown weapons, Costuming, Crafting, History and Culture
Baron Hajji Turahan Karamani al-Arsalan  
Sir Iastreb Desislavich Heavy fighting
Lord Ignatius Modicus  
Lady Isabella Parr  
Maestra Isabetta de San Marco Quartermaster
Lord Ivarr Ulfasson  
Lord Jacob Mór  
Mistress Jadi Fatima al-Ishfahani al-Samarkandiyya Middle eastern costuming, Middle eastern dance
Lord Jarec Markov Heavy fighting
  John Kirikov  
Duke John of Ean Airgead, called the Mad Celt Heavy fighting
Lord Jurgen der Vielfrass Deputy Marshal, Heavy fighting
La Onesta Signore Justina di Silvestri 15th & 16th c Italian, courtesans, cosmetics, historic hygiene, personal lives, home economics, hair dressing, poisons, and the macabre of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Noble Kasha Lengyel 16th century Hungary, Russia and Poland, Costuming, scribal, cooking, fiber arts
Lord Konrad Windhorn 16th-century Landsknecht, Archery, Armored Combat, Rapier fighting
Sir Kytte Meliora Stevenson  
Mistress Laurettia atte Blacksterre  
Lady Lily of South Downs Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer of South Downs
Master Lorenzo Petrucci 15th-16th c Italian, archery, armored combat, dance, costuming, crafting
The Honorable Lady Lykaina of Stone Hill Keep Norse, Norman, Crusader 1st – 3rd, Armored Combat, Lampwork, jewlery making, and sewing
Baroness Madelena da Firenze English 15th-16th Century, Archery, Costuming, Crafting, History, Service
Lord Magnus Andersson  
The Honorable Lady Maire Dhocair inghean Chiarain  
Baroness Mairghread Wilson Deputy Marshal, Youth Marshal, Heavy fighting, Rapier fighting, Youth fighting, Live weapons, Cooking, Stitching, Painting
Lady Majda Anwar  
Sir Mandin Leon  
Mistress Mara Palmer Live Weapons Marshal, Archery Champion, Calligraphy, Archery
Lady Maren Andersdatter Book binding
Mistress Marianna Cristina Tirado de Aragon Period Feasts
Baron Mark de Wytteney

14th-15th Century England, armored combat, armoring, calligraphy, bardic, rapier combat

Lady Maryam al-Jawhariyya Al-Andalus (Islamic Spain), early period MENAT/SWANA region, Mughal India
Master Mathias Blackett Heraldry, Singing, Heavy fighting
Acharya Margavati Bai Mewadi Deputy Webminister, 15th-16th c Rajasthan (north India), Non-European history, culture and costuming; Bookbinding (specifically Eastern paper-based forms, such as Islamic and Chinese structures); Indian culture, costume and dance; research
Mistress Molli Rose Kekilpenny Late Period English, Fiber Arts
Sir Morgan Ironheart Heavy fighting, Rapier fencing
Lady Morganna Bellachose  
Lady Myndee of South Downs 16th Century France & Italy, Archery, Rapier, Research Courtesans, Costuming, Woodworking, Glasswork, Scribal, Oils
Lord Nikon Dawidowicz  
Master Nikoslav Mikolaevich Kingdom Seneschal, Rapier fencing, Sami bread
Lady Ogata Mitsuko Japanese swordsmanship, 1500’s Scotland, Rapier Combat, Leatherworking, Bookbinding
Mistress Peryn Rose Whitehorse Costuming, Horseback riding, Hounds
Baron Piers Simmons

Rapier fencing, Heavy fighting, archery

Captain Pietro di Conti Embroidery, History
Mistress Porcia Secunda Costuming, Embroidery
The Honorable Lord Quintus Valerius Gracchus Heavy fighting
Lady Racheal McFinney  
The Honorable Lord Randalín in kyrra  
  Rannulf of Arrow’s Keep Norman 9&10th century, Archery, Armored Combat, Equestrian, Rapier, Capturing Events in Photography
Lady Raven Helmsplitter Rapier fencing
Lady Rebekah Zsido  
Baroness Rhiannon verch Madyn Baroness of South Downs, 8th-11th c British/Welsh & Byzantine, Costuming, Embroidery, Herbology
Baroness Rhonwyn alyna nic an Chrosain  
Baron Robert Throckmorton Baronial Armored Champion, Heavy fighting
Lady Roisin McAlister Deputy Chatelaine (Gold Key), 14th-16th century Ireland/Scotland, Embroidery, Costuming
Lady Ruqayah al-Zarqa Moorish Spain, Tudor England, Ottoman Empire, Viking (Denmark), Calligraphy, Illumination, Costuming, Millinery
Lady Sable of South Downs  
Lady Safa  
  Sara Wandrownyczka  
Lady Sefa Mjøksiglandi Illumination
  Serafina Alamanni 15th c Italian, Tablet Weaving, Wire Weaving, Costuming
Lady Siobhan O’Dunvegan  


(Title is after name for this persona)

Seong Myeong Su Chronicler, Baronial Arts Champion, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Metal Casting, Weaving, Sewing, Embroidery, Jewelry, Cordmaking
The Honorable Lord Stephen of Forth Castle  
Mistress Sunneva de Cleia 12th century England and France, 16th century England, Archery, Costuming, Calligraphy and Illumination
Lady Svala Thorfinnsdottir  
Lady Tryggva Ingvarsdóttir  
Lord Tryggvi Tryggsson  
Lord Ulric of Wolfhaven  
Lady Una Ulfrdottir Minister of Children
Lady Veronica da Lucca Calligraphy, sketching, painting, gilding, sewing
Lady Waelwulf Rapier fencing
The Honorable Lady Wenyeva atte grene 14th C English, Onomastics (names), Heraldry, Culinary history, Language, Just about everything
Viscount William Colquitt Norman England, 1066 – 1119, Armored Combat, Costuming, History & Culture, Performing Arts
Master Wistric Oftun Rapier fencing, Finger loop braiding
Sir Wulfric Peverel  
Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba Baron of South Downs, 1560-1600 Spain, Rapier fencing, Service, Repurposing modern items for SCA use
Lady Ysabella Lucia Tirado de Aragon  
Lady Zeliha bint Sayyid  
Lady Zhelana Vovkivna Kyivan Rus, Khazars, Jewish diaspora, Archery/Thrown Weapons, Armored Combat, Rapier fighting, recorder music, kumihimo, costuming, pysanky, European dance
Lady Zoe Tagarina Costuming