Category: Scenes

  • Pics from fighter practice

  • Milton Area Library Convention

  • A 15th Century Dinner Party!

    As July’s A&S activity, Lady Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle held a dinner party where we all got together and prepared 15th Century food, then ate it. It was delicious! […]

  • SCA at Dragoncon!

    Preparing to march in the parade! Photos courtesy Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba

  • Demo at the National History Bee

    Photo courtesy the Honorable Lord Piers Simmons

  • South Downs at Gulf Wars

    South Downs marches in the Grand Procession at Gulf Wars 2018. Photo courtesy Mistress Katherine of Dreywick

  • At the 5th Wednesday Social

    Barony members feasting at the 5th Wednesday Social night. Photo courtesy Lady Stella di Silvestri

  • At the Cub Scout Demo

    Lady Mairghread, Lord Piers, and Lord Mark address Cub Scout Pack 528, who are working on earning the “Good Knights” adventure. Photo courtesy Lissa Smith

  • Scenes from Meridies 40th Year

    Congratulations to Master Mathias, Lady Juliane and Lord Lucien! Huzzah! Photos courtesy the Honorable Lady Andreva Rigaldi

  • Thanks for coming to Castle Wars 2017!

    Hope you had fun, and see you next time! Pictures courtesy Katherine Radford.