Category: Midwinter A&S

  • February 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

    7 February 2024, Time: 7:30 PM EST Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler. Magister Lorenzo called the February meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady Raven Helmsplitter […]

  • January 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

    3 January 2024, Time: 7:30 PM EST Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler. Magister Lorenzo called the January meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady Raven Helmsplitter […]

  • December 2023 Baronial Business Meeting

    6 December 2023, Time: 7:30 PM EST Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler. Magister Lorenzo called the December meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady Raven Helmsplitter […]

  • January Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 04 January 2023, Time: 1930 Notes submitted by Baronessa Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler. Master Mathias called the January meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady […]

  • September Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 07 September2022, Time: 1931 Notes submitted by Baronessa Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler. Master Mathias Blackett called the September meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady […]

  • August Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 03 August 2022, Time: 19 Notes submitted by Baronessa Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler. Lady Bú called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, Lady […]

  • AUGUST 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 05 August 2020, 1931 Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the August meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL […]

  • February 2020 Mini-Business Meeting Minutes

    19 February 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii, South Downs Deputy Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. “Welcome! If you did not sign […]

  • February 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 5 February 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our new Seneschal, THL […]

  • January 2020 Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 8 January 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark […]