Category: Dragoncon

  • Dragoncon 2017

    SCA members preparing for the Dragoncon parade Photo courtesy Lady Stella di Silvestri

  • May Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 3 May 2017, 7:30pm Atlanta Friends Meeting House Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler. Lord Lucien d’Artois called the […]

  • If you found the SCA at Dragon*Con…

    Greetings Dragon*Con Goers! Whether we met you at our fan table or you saw us in the parade, thank you for your interest! Next: come to one of our meetings or fighter […]

  • More parade pics!

    From Emily Myers’ flickr:

  • OMG a Parade!!

    Dragoncon parade, squeee!!!

  • SCA table at Dragoncon

    With Sunneva de Cleia. Courtesy Stella.

  • At Dragoncon

    Photo borrowed from Stella’s Facebook – photographer unknown

  • More Dragoncon info

    From Stella: All right, it’s Dragon*Con week! Finally got most of the info we’ll need! We’re placed in the Historical section (51) of the parade and will be staging there. […]

  • Dragoncon Parade FAQ

    Thanks to Majda for gathering this info! WHERE & WHEN TO PICK UP YOUR PARADE WRISTBANDS Our Parade Check In Table will be in the Sheraton, lower level across from […]

  • Dragoncon 2016

    The time of Dragoncon draws nigh! His Excellency Lorenzo, Baron of South Downs, requests that those who wish to help out at the fan table and/or march in the parade to sign […]