Category: A&S

  • Class night: Renaissance Kahve by Magistra Temair Cerr

    Magistra Temair taught us about historic caffeine sources and we had tasting of Turkish Kahve. So yummy!

  • Block Printing party!

    Our Arts and Sciences Minister, Lady Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle, organized a block printing party at her house. Everyone had fun stamping pretty patterns onto fabric.

  • Mask Decorating night!

    Thanks to Lady Isabella Parr for organizing a fun project night. These masks are going to be fabulous at Red Tower!

  • A 15th Century Dinner Party!

    As July’s A&S activity, Lady Alisandre Isabeau de la Chapelle held a dinner party where we all got together and prepared 15th Century food, then ate it. It was delicious! […]