Category: Announcements

  • Join us for Castle Wars!

  • DEMO this Saturday!

  • New sunday practice location

    Our Knight Marshal, Lady Mairghread writes: “Tired of redunculous heat or marshy practice fields? We have been offered an indoor practice location! The Viking Alchemist has graciously offered their new […]

  • Nominations TOMORROW!

  • June 2019 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 5 June 2019, 7:30pm Meeting site for June – we’re back at the Doraville Civic Center – 3744 Central Ave., Doraville GA, 30340 Notes submitted […]

  • Meeting site change for May 2019

    From the Honorable Mark de Wytteney, Seneschal of South Downs: Due to a scheduling mishap, we will have a different meeting site for the month of May. It is just […]

  • March 2019 Baronial Business Meeting minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 6 March 2019, 7:30pm Doraville Civic Center – 3744 Central Ave., Doraville GA Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois […]

  • Long live the Baron and Baroness!

    Congratulations to Baroness Sunneva and Baron Wistric, newly invested at Midwinter A&S to the baronial seat of South Downs!