Author: Webmin

  • Dragoncon 2017

    SCA members preparing for the Dragoncon parade Photo courtesy Lady Stella di Silvestri

  • Live Weapons Practices are now a Thing

    Through the tireless efforts of our newly appointed Live Weapons Marshal, Mistress Mara Palmer, we are now holding regular Live Weapons/Archery practices jointly with the Shire of Owl’s Nest! Practices […]

  • Tourney of the Foxes 2017

    The Barony had a strong showing at the Tourney of the Foxes melee tournaments this year, fielding one armored fighting team, three rapier teams and an archery team. Adela’s Gilded […]

  • July Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 5 July 2017, 7:30pm Atlanta Friends Meeting House Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler. Lord Lucien d’Artois called the […]

  • June Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 7 June 2017, 7:30pm Atlanta Friends Meeting House Notes submitted by Lord Brendan de Hay (mka Benjamin Hay), South Downs Stunt Chronicler. Lord Lucien d’Artois called […]

  • Joint Armored Combat Practice with Owl’s Nest

    From Lady Mairghread Wilson, Knight Marshal: Starting with tomorrow’s (ed. note: 11 July 2017) practice, the South Downs Tues armored combat will be combining with Owl’s Nest. Practice will be […]

  • New Baronial Awards

    From Master Lorenzo Petrucci, Baron of South Downs: Good morning South Downs! Is there someone in the Barony that you think should be rewarded for their prowess, service, or general […]

  • Deputies wanted!

    From Master Wistric Oftun, Seneschal: I am looking for a deputy to help research new sites for us. Discussions of KLE bids recently have revealed that we don’t have many […]

  • May Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 3 May 2017, 7:30pm Atlanta Friends Meeting House Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler. Lord Lucien d’Artois called the […]

  • Event pages created

    From Pietro di Conti, the Webminister: I’ve created initial placeholders for a Red Tower 2017 event page and a Castle Wars 2017 event page. If you’re involved in planning those […]