Author: Webmin

  • March 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 4 March 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our new Seneschal, THL […]

  • February 2020 Mini-Business Meeting Minutes

    19 February 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Aelia Bassina of Veii, South Downs Deputy Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. “Welcome! If you did not sign […]

  • February 2020 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 5 February 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our new Seneschal, THL […]

  • January 2020 Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 8 January 2020, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark […]

  • December 2019 Baronial Mini-Business Meeting

    11 December 2019, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. “Welcome! If you did not sign in, please sign […]

  • December 2019 Baronial Business Meeting

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 4 December 2019, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark […]

  • November 2019 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 6 November 2019, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark […]

  • October 2019 Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 2 October 2019, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Captain Brendan de Hay, Baronial Rapier Marshal, and Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called […]

  • Live Weapons for early 2020

    As of this writing, the next few live weapons practices will be held on: 1/19/2020, 2/23/2020, 3/29/2020, 4/19/2020 and 5/3/2020. For the practice location and further details see the South […]

  • September 2019 Baronial Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 4 September 2019, 7:30pm Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter, South Downs Chronicler. THL Lucien d’Artois called the meeting to order. Our Seneschal, THL Mark […]