Author: Webmin

  • Castle Wars is coming!

    Castle Wars 2016 will be held Nov 17-20 at Al Sihah Shrine Temple in Macon, GA. The theme is 12th Century Kievan Rus. It will be lots of fun. Don’t […]

  • Tuesday night Rapier practice

    Brendan de Hay (left) versus Raven Helmsplitter (right)

  • Dragoncon 2016

    The time of Dragoncon draws nigh! His Excellency Lorenzo, Baron of South Downs, requests that those who wish to help out at the fan table and/or march in the parade to sign […]

  • Rapier at Tourney of the Foxes

    Be it known that Brendan de Hay, Rapier Marshal of South Downs, does request that all those desiring to fight for Adela’s Gilded Company at the Tourney of the Foxes notify […]

  • The barony wants your feedback

    Our chatelaine is asking for feedback from the Barony for any suggestions or comments that the people have in order to make our great group even better! Please feel free to […]

  • March Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 2 March 2016, 7:30pm Decatur Recreation Center Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler Officer Reports Chronicler (Lady Raven […]

  • February Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 3 February 2016, 7:30pm Decatur Recreation Center Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler   Officer Reports Chronicler (Lady Raven […]

  • January Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 6 January 2016, 7:30pm Decatur Recreation Center Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler   Officer Reports Chronicler (Raven […]

  • December Baronial Business Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 2 December 2015, 7:30pm Decatur Recreation Center Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler   Lord Bjorn Gullharr called the […]

  • November Business Meeting Minutes

    South Downs Baronial Business Meeting 6 November 2015 Decatur Recreation Center Notes submitted by Lady Raven Helmsplitter (mka Helena Bretherton Hay), South Downs Chronicler   Lord Bjorn Gullharr called the meeting […]