Author: DepWeb

  • Award of the Swift’s Heart Nominations now Open

    It is time again for the populace to Award the Swift’s Heart! For those unfamiliar with the Award of the Swift’s Heart, this is the award bestowed by the populace, […]

  • Help Wanted


  • Red Tower

    Canceled, Sorry I’m pleased to announce that online pre-registration for Red Tower is now open until September 5, 2021. Please sign in or create an SCA account for registration.

  • The SCA Board of Directors further lifts the suspension of in-person activity in North America, effective August 1, 2021, provided adherence to the items in this resolution; 1.         All attendees in […]

  • From the Kingdom Seneschal.

    Greetings unto the populace and assembled guests of Meridies. As Their Majesties discussed in Court, there has been much talk about how best to reopen the Kingdom. We know that […]

  • South Downs Fighter Practice

    For your convenience South Downs has combined the heavy and rapier sign up onto one platform. Here is the link to sign up for either. If our combined numbers stay […]

  • Board of Directors Announcement Concerning Reopening – must be posted at every in-person activity!

    Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases […]

  • Relaying this from Kingdom Seneschal.

    Good evening, everyone. As promised, below is a list of what has to happen now that the Kingdom has moved as a whole to Phase 1. Please read and acknowledge, […]

  • COVID-19 Reopening Plan with new guidance

    Greetings Meridies, Since the country is slowly advancing from the pandemic and most (if not all) of the kingdom’s states opened in full, We believe, in the kingdom’s best interest, […]

  • Resolution to Further Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of July 1st, 2021

    On May 25, 2021, the Board of the Directors resolved to further lift the suspension of in-person activities in the SCA in North America. For more information, please see the […]