June 2024 Baronial Business Meeting

5 June 2024, Time: 7:30 PM EST

Notes submitted by Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong, South Downs Chronicler.

Magister Lorenzo called the March meeting to order.The Seneschal Lady Raven Helmsplitter, started recording the meeting and greeted the populace joining the Zoom meeting. Lady Raven read the Kingdom Anti-Bullying statement.

Officers’ Reports

Seneschal, (Lady Raven Helmsplitter

  • Schedule for this month:
    • 6/5 – Business Meeting (Zoom)
    • 6/12 – RT 50 Planning Meeting(Zoom)
    • 6/19 – DEIB (Zoom)
    • 6/26 – A&S Judging Workshop with Magister Lorenzo and  La Magnifica Justina (In-person)
  • Voting for Swift’s Heart
    • Starting July business meeting, nominations will be accepted
    • Through August, voting will start via ranked choice
    • Award will be given at a South Downs event!

Herald (Magister Lorenzo Petrucci)     

  • Ajax name and device submitted
  • Awards
    • Artsy Crown
      • THL Bram Halfdannarson (Bam) – Order of the Scarlet Star

Knight Marshal (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • Practices have been scarce due to events and weather.  I am looking forward to having more this month.  
  • The practice on 9 June will be run by Baroness Margheraed as I will be at Giants Dance.  There will not be loaner gear available.  I am planning on holding practice the rest of the month if weather will allow.  
  • The demo last weekend at Viking Alchemist Meadery went well and was well supported by artisans and fighters alike.  His Majesty has expressed his appreciation for the help and I know the Owls Nest practice had some people come out due to the demo on Saturday.
  • It is hot out, please drink plenty of water before and during practice.

Rapier Marshal (Captain Brendan de Hay)

  1. Practices have been proceeding, weather and other events permitting.  Sundays starting around noon (concurrent with armored practice).  Schedule changes, cancellations, and any other relevant information is shared on the FaceBook group “Atlanta SCA Fighting,” and we’re trying to get better about including Discord.  Loaner gear is usually available, but it doesn’t hurt to check the “Atlanta SCA Fighting” group in advance.  Sometimes when I’m not available, the “stunt marshal” might not be able to bring it.
  2. If you have any trouble at all finding practice announcements, feel free to reach out directly to me or Ld. Eirikr.  If you are using Discord, please @ us, otherwise your post will be lost in the chatter.
  3. Thanks to everyone for working together to keep practices happening.  I wouldn’t mind having a deputy step up who could take over from me in the not-too-distant future.  In the meantime, my continued thanks to our celebrity stunt marshal team, particularly Ldy. Ogata, Master Ximón, Master Nikoslav, et. al.
  4. This weekend is the Southeast Renaissance Fencing Open (SERFO), a non-SCA historical fencing event.  Most of your local rapier marshals will be attending (many competing).  I encourage y’all to come see what it’s all about.  This event is popular with SCA rapier and C&T fighters.
    The venue is on the Kennesaw State University Marietta Campus (635 Walter Kelly Rd, Marietta, GA 30060).  No charge for spectators.   Parking is free, but not immediately adjacent to the gym (689 Polytechnic Ln, Marietta, GA 30060).
    We’ll be there on Friday, 12nn-6p (Eastern)
    – Under-Represented Gender longsword tournament
    – Rapier & Dagger tournament
    – Saber tournament
    Saturday, 9a-7p
    – Three open longsword tournaments (different levels of skill/experience)
    Sunday, 9a-4p
    – Single rapier tournament
    – Sword & Buckler (C&T) tournament
    Weather permitting, South Downs weekly fighter practice is still being held on Sunday, 12nn.  Baroness Mairghread (Charmone Newell) will manage the administration for rapier fighters.  It is unlikely that there will be much in the way loaner gear.

Live Weapons (Master Mathias Blackett)

  • We had Live Weapons practice last month alongside the cavalry practice. There were 3 participants. The pasture at Mistress Peryn’s farm has been cleared, and is beautiful for archery. 
  • Peryn has scheduled the next cavalry practice for Saturday 6/29. I will be at Atlantia’s Bardic Madness event and will not be able to marshal the practice for archery.

Exchequer (La Magnifica Justina di Silvestri

  • We have $4,261.86 in our account. 
  • Our storage costs have gone up by $29/mo, making each month cost $335
  • This will add an expense of $203 to the approved budget. May we take a barony vote if approved, for the records, please?
    • 17 for, 1 opposed, motion passed
  • Second, our super cool deputy reeve did some magic with our Quarter reports from Q4 and Q1 and made the scary (but not really) ledger not have a negative number due to timing of when checks are written. We have a mystery $200, likely from me not separating the troll seed monies from the troll income cash before depositing it, so heads up to always deposit the troll cash separately. It confused the subtemplates on the file but Salim worked with Kingdom and we are all set for Q2.
  • Salim is taking over soon, so please be sure to cc deputy or include him in any exchequer questions or chats. This will super duper help the transition of the office to him.
  • We do have money to tide us to the next event, but as approved in the budget, we need fundraising to keep treading. Special deputy for reeve,  Honorable Lady Majda Anwar, will take that lead in her report.
  • ps as a note, if any of y’all see my name Justina or Meg anywhere with an address that is not a PO box, please let me know- want to make sure people have the right address for sending mail to the barony.

Fundraising Deputy (THL Majda Anwar) 

  • Looking into options for fundraising ideas for the Barony
    • Fundraiser lunches, bake sales, merch, silent auctions, etc.
    • Display devices on castle walls at Castle Wars/Fool’s War?
  • Gave a presentation with ideas on possible fundraiser ideas for feedback and brainstorming
  • Link to the presentation, please let me know if you have ideas for fundraising ideas!
  • Looking to get together a group of people to help pinpoint events and plan how to execute these ideas
    • Will post in the discord to look for volunteers, keep an eye out!

Quartermaster (Maestra Isabetta de San Marco

  • We have stuff
  • Still looking for a deputy

Chatelaine (Capt. Ogata Mitsuko)

  • Nothing to report
  • Looking for deputy for Chatelaine and Demo Deputy

Demo Deputy (VACANT)

  • Nothing reported

Arts & Sciences (Lady Maryam)

  • Artsy Crown was great, glad to see all the cool entries and classes!
  • RUM is coming up for classes, sign up to teach and take some classes.
  • This month’s class will be a workshop on A&S Judging, come take the class!

Provost (Lord Ælfric Hort)

  • Unfortunately, we had to cancel / postpone last month’s class on Sacred Geometry due to technical difficulties.  We will be rescheduling as soon as possible.
  • This month’s class will be on June 26 at 7pm – in person at Doraville Civic Center.  It will be a A&S Judging Workshop with hands-on exercises presented by La Magnifica Signora Justina di Silvestri.
  • I am currently looking for teachers for July, August, September, and October. I will not know if those will be in person or virtual until in-person nights are officially scheduled for the later half of the year, but if you specifically need one or the other, we can be flexible and shift months around if possible. If you have something you would like to teach or otherwise share with the Barony, please get in touch with either myself or Sumarliþi.

Chronicler (Seong Myeong Su Daesaseong)

  • Looking for a deputy, coming up at a year as Chronicler.
  • Always looking to interview the populace for each issue, so please fill out this form to get included! Eventually I’d like to collect these into one PDF so we have a good collection of information about our members: https://forms.gle/MNxww3KUQJo2VsEG9
  • Please submit photos, art, articles, shout-outs, or anything that you’ve found interesting and want to share! I’ll always be collecting stuff for the newsletters going forward. You can submit either through this form: https://forms.gle/8SyEF9D7c8rMCnZP6 or email me at chron.southdowns@meridies.org.

Social Media Minister  (THLady Agnes Halydaye

  • Nothing to report aside from a few new folks in the FB group and also one that reached out via email for a discord invite.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer (DEIB), (Lady Lily of South Downs)

  • Working on figuring out what to do for the DEIB session this month since it’s online

Webminister (Lord Eiríkr Pálsson)

  • RUM has a webpage thanks to Margavati.  I have taken on the duties of regional webminister and Margavati has agreed to take on the duties of Baronial webminister, she has a lot of experience doing this work and has a lot of plans for making our site better.

Minister of Children (VACANT)

  • Position is still open, if you are interested, please contact Lady Raven.

Their Excellencies, (Maestro Ximon Cordoba de Martillo & HE Rhiannon verch Madyn)

  • Baron Ximon
    • Come and teach at RUM!
    • Next week’s meeting is a planning meeting for RT 50, please come and help us hash out some ideas
      • Looking for an autocrat or co-autocrat to help head up the discussion for RT 50.
    • It was wonderful to see everyone at Artsy Crown under the pavilion. Thank you to everyone who helped set up and tear down the pavilion!
  • Baroness Rhiannon
    • RT 50 planning
      • A lot of the event will be planned or ironed out in the next week or two, so please let us know if you’re interested in being an autocrat
    • Artsy Crown
      • Thanks for hanging out together as a Barony at the event, and congratulations to all the fighters in the Barony who fought in Crown as entrants for their great fights!

SCA Business

  • Royal University of Meridies
    • Lord Sumarliþi 
      • Sign-up sheets for volunteers have been posted
        • Will need help with basic set up, tear down, etc
        • If you have any ideas or jobs that you’d like to do, let me know and we can find something for you
        • Sign up to teach!
        • Food options may be better as the dining hall will be open that day
        • Planning on Quiet Space like we did before previously
    • Baron Ximon
      • Vote for a check to hold the rental at the pavilion for the fighter practice after RUM
        • Will require a check for $150 to hold the rental, but they do not cash the check unless there’s damage or something after the rental.
          • Motion raised to approve funding for the pavilion, 18 in favor, 1 against, motion passed.
  • Red Tower 50
    • Still looking for an autocrat, please contact Lady Raven or Their Excellencies if you’re interested
    • Come to the meeting next week to discuss planning for RT!
  • Castle Wars
    • We currently have Camp Bert Adams reserved for Castle Wars in Covington GA
    • Please contact us if you are interested in running the event!
    • Currently looking for bids, please submit a bid if you’re interested in running Castle Wars.
  • Dance, Art, and Gaming Event in Trimaris
    • June 15th
    • Daytrip
    • St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1950 Silver St., Jacksonville FL

Non-SCA Business

  • SERFO is this weekend, a couple of us are attending. It’s free to spectate, so come watch people fight!
    • Marietta, GA
  • Quick shout-out to our new member Hannah for winning her category in the Foundations Revealed contest that she entered! Congratulations!

The business meeting was closed @ 8:48 PM EST

The next business meeting will be held on July 3rd, 2024, 7:00 PM EST via Zoom Meeting.