Maryam al-Jawhariyya

Lady Maryam al-Jawhariyya

Last updated: 2024

she/her or they/them

Meridian Cross (05/20/2023)
Award of Arms (bestowed out of kingdom, 01/08/2022)

My first love is period cooking and culinary arts. I am also interested in period gemology, medieval cosmetics and skincare, and LGBTQ+ history.
Al-Andalus (Islamic Spain),
early period MENAT/SWANA region
Mughal India
Food & Drink
Games & Pasttimes
History & Culture

Classes taught
I have previously taught classes on period gemstones and treatments and the history of LGBTQ+ people in the MENAT region.

Current projects
I’m always thinking of new ideas to promote period food in the SCA. I’m usually always researching something or going down some rabbit hole.