
Where And When Are South Downs Meetings Held?

Local SCA meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7-9pm at:

Doraville Civic Center
3770 Central Avenue
Doraville, GA 30340

The Doraville Civic Center is just across the street from the Doraville MARTA station, which can be a convenient way to get there. You don’t have to get there exactly at 7pm, many people drift in from work (or Atlanta traffic) at later times.

Project nights are held at:

Freeside Atlanta
675 Metropolitan Parkway
Suite 6066
Atlanta, Georgia 30310

What Do You Do At Meetings?

There are generally scheduled activities which vary by week (see below), but those of us who are not participating in the particular activity sit to the side and socialize. You’re welcome to join us and ask questions. Many members go out to eat afterwards. We all participate in the business meetings and we try to keep them short and effective.

Who Can Come?

Meetings are open to the public (and to service animals). Children are also welcome (as long as the parents are there to supervise), and many members of the Barony bring their families. We have a growing population from 8 months to 80+ years!

Current weekly schedule (all meeting activities run from 7:00pm – 9:00pm):

  • 1st Wednesdays
    • Business Meeting: This is the official business meeting for the Barony, where we plan our events and activities. While the meeting may take up the whole evening during our busy event season, it s likely that there will be time after the meeting for general socializing and other activities as necessary.
  • 2nd Wednesdays
    • A&S Project Night: This is the time to bring things you’re working on or that you need help with, or work on projects for the Barony. If you are working on an A&S faire entry you can bring it for practice judging and commentary. This is also a good time to work on scribal projects. Project nights are held at:
      Freeside Atlanta
      675 Metropolitan Parkway
      Suite 6066
      Atlanta, Georgia 30310

      This is a huge Maker’s Space. Lots of woodworking, metalworking, and sewing equipment available for our use. Bring those projects out and lets make some stuff!

  • 3rd Wednesdays
    • European Dance: Teaching and practicing social dances, including practice for musicians interested in learning dance music. Spectators are not discouraged, but more people on the dance floor means more fun for everyone!
  • 4th Wednesdays
    • A&S Classes: This meeting will provide time for either two 1-hour classes or one 2-hour classes relating to recreating the Middle Ages. We have held classes recently on how to make Renaissance Italian jewelry, how to make bone needles and medieval knitting. History classes have included an overview of Medieval Music, a History of Poisons and Naughty Popes of the Renaissance.
  • 5th Wednesdays
    • In-Garb Social: This occasional meeting will be dedicated to socializing, including pot luck finger foods, dancing, and potential Baronial court as desired. This would be a good option for a new person’s first exposure to the SCA.