Myndee of South Downs

Lady Myndee of South Downs
Formerly known as Melusine La Pucelle D’aix La Fayette
Lady of Mark de Wytteney
Mother of Morgana, Jarec Markov, Riley and Xander

Last updated: 2020
Myndee’s Facebook page


Argent Comet (Red Tower, 10/5/2019)
Cygnet’s Nest (Castle Wars, 11/17/2018)
Award of Arms (Spring Crown List, 5/27/2018)
Falcon’s Faith (Midwinter A&S, 2/3/2018)

16th Century France & Italy, Archery, Rapier, Research Courtesans, Costuming, Woodworking, Glasswork, Scribal, Oils

Classes taught
None yet

Current projects
Learning to make garb, research Courtesans in my period/location, getting name passed, making my device, learning to do scribal & making furniture.