Baronial Awards


If you would like to recommend someone for one of these awards, please use this form.

red_raven_badgeOrder of the Red Raven

The Red Raven is the Barony’s service award. It is given at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness for long and exemplary service to the Barony. A list of previous Red Raven recipients can be found here

Ofalcon's-faithrder of the Falcon’s Faith

The Order of the Falcon’s Faith is given by the Baron and Baroness to those who provide dedicated service to the Barony. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

swan's-graceOrder of the Swan’s Grace

The Order of the Swan’s Grace is given by the Baron and Baroness to those who display great skill in the arts and sciences in the Barony. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

kestrel's-talonOrder of the Kestrel’s Talon

The Order of the Kestrel’s Talon is given by the Baron and Baroness to those who excel at martial activities in the Barony, including armored and rapier combat, equestrian, and live weapons. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

sparrow's-wingOrder of the Sparrow’s Wing

The Order of the Sparrow’s Wing is given by the Baron and Baroness to children in the Barony who exhibit exemplary character. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

phoenix's-sparkOrder of the Phoenix’s Spark

The Order of the Phoenix’s Spark is given by the Baron and Baroness to to those who have become integral members of the Barony after moving from another Kingdom or returning to the Society from a long hiatus. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

Baronial Award of Excellence

This order is give by either the Baron and/or the Baroness for excellence above and beyond the other orders. A list of members of the Order can be found here.

Legacy Awards

Retired awards that were once given by the Barony can be found here.

Lords’ and Ladies’ Awards

These awards are given by the lords and ladies of the South Downs, usually at Red Tower. Nomination and voting for these awards is done at business meetings in the months before the event.

Heart of South Downs

This token is given by the lords of the Barony to the lady who most inspires them.

A list of previous recipients may be found here.

Chivalry Award

This token is given by the ladies of the Barony to the lord that they feel most exemplifies chivalrous behavior. It must be decided unanimously.

A list of previous recipients may be found here.